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Latin words - Lateinische Worte

Common words in Roman Catholic Church records.

In case of an empty field in the German-column, the Latin word could not be verified in a Latin-German dictionary
ava, avia           grandmother              Großmutter
avus                grandfather              Großvater
avi, avorum         grandparents             Großvater
baptizatus          baptized                 getauft
nuptias celebrare   to marry                 Hochzeit feiern
coemeterium         cemetery (churchyard)    Kirchhof
civis               citizen                  Bürger
confirmatio         confirmed                Bestätigung
conjugatus          married; husband (?)
conjugata           wife             (?)
coniunx             married person, spouse   Ehepartner, Ehepaar
defunctus           dead             (?)
elutus              baptized         (?)     saftlos, kraftlos
familia             family                   Familie, Hausgenossenschaft
femina              woman                    Weib, Frau
filia               daughter                 Tochter
filius              son                      Sohn
frater              brother                  Bruder
geminus             twin                     Zwilling
gener               son-in-law               Schwiegersohn, Tochtermann
glos                sister-in-law            Schwägerin, Schwester des Ehemannes
illegitimus         illegitimate     (?)    not a latin. word ?
incola              resident                 Einwohner
infans              infant                   kindlich, Kind
iuvenis             young man                Jüngling
vevir               brother-in-law   (?)

ligatus -- bound, joined, married
legitimus -- legitimate                
levante -- witness                         TO BE CONTINUED (mo)
marita (f) -- wife                          
maritus (m) -- husband                       
mater -- mother     
mortus -- dead
natus -- born
nepos -- grandson, nephew, grandchild
neptis -- granddaughter
nomen -- name
obitus -- death
obstetrix -- midwife
parens -- parents
parochia -- parish
partus -- childbirth
pater -- father
patrina -- godmother
patrinus -- godfather
patrini -- godparents
progenitus -- firstborn
proavus -- great-grandfather
proavia -- great-grandmother
puella -- girl child
puellus -- boy child
puerpera -- mother, newly delivered mother
puerperium -- childbirth
religio -- religion
renatus -- baptized, reborn
senex -- old man
sepultus -- buried
socvusus -- mother-in-law
socor -- father-in-law
soror -- sister
spinster -- unmarried woman
spurius -- illegitimate
superstes -- surviving, still living
susceptor -- godparent
thorus -- bed
ultimus -- last, final
uxor -- wife
vidus -- widow
viduus -- widower
villicus -- village, townsman
vir -- husband
virgo -- unmarried girl
vita -- life

Latin-English list from: HINDERS@DAYTON.BITNET
German by mao.

page by mao (mo), 27.06.95