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The film numbers given in this list are those of the Family History Library. In some cases item numbers within the film are given separated from the film number by a period. Users can use the film numbers to order these films at their local LDS Family History Center.
Film # Contents
Index to emergency passport applications, 1874-1918 (Passports issued abroad) 1463575 1874-1898 v. 1-2 1463576 1899-1906 v. 3-4 1429932.2 1906-1918 Abdalnoor, E. - Lawgenhennig, Henry 1429933 1906-1918 Lang, G. - Wansner, A. 1429934.1 1906-1918 Warner, Worcester - Zynberg, Louis Emergency passport applications issued abroad, 1877-1907 1521769 1877-1878 v. 1 Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland 1886-1889 v. 2 Africa, Arabia, Australia, Austria, Azores, Brazil, Belgium, British Guiana, British India, Canada, Central America, China, Chile, Korea, Denmark, Egypt, Greece, Honduras 1521770 1886-1890 v. 3 Italy, India, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Persia, Russia, Siam, Society Islands, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Columbia, Venezuela, West Indies 1521877 1886-1894 v. 4 Samoa, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Switzerland, Turkey, Venezuela 1521878 1889-1894 v. 5 Africa, Austria, Argentina, Azores 1521879 1890-1891 v. 6 Africa, Argentine Republic, Australia, Azores, Brazil, Belgium, Chile, China, Egypt, Korea, Ecuador 1521880 1890-1891 v. 7 Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hungary, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Madagascar, Mexico, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Peru, Russia, Siam, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela 1891-1892 v. 8 Africa, Argentine Republic, Austria, Azores, Belgium, Brazil, China 1522007 Jan 1-Jul 4, 1892 v. 9 Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Great Britain, Malta, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti Jan 1-Oct 5, 1892 v. 10 Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Turkey, Venezuela 1522008 1893-1894 v. 11 Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Columbia, Denmark, Eduador, Egypt 1893-1894 v. 12 France, Greece, Guatemala 1522009 1893-1894 v. 13 Haiti, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Madagascar, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Persia, Peru, Russia 1894-1899 v. 14 Salvador, Singapore, Sweden, Siam, Spain, Turkey, Venezuela, West Indies 1522010 1895-1896 v. 15 Argentina, Austria, Azores, Belgium, Brazil 1895-1896 v. 16 Chile, China, Columbia, Guatemala, Java, India, Africa, Spain, Cuba, China, Jamaica, Malta, Philippines, Oman, Australia, Canada, Africa, West Indies, Costa Rica, Australia, Puerto Rico, Madagascar, Morocco, Canada, Denmark 1522085 1895-1896 v. 17 Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Venezuela 1895-1896 v. 18 France, Greece, Guatemala 1522011 1897-1899 v. 19 Haiti, Hawaii, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Peru, Persia, Russia 1897-1899 v. 20 Africa 1522012 1897-1899 v. 21 Argentine Republic, Azores 1522013 1897-1899 v. 22 Austria, Australia 1897-1899 v. 23 Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Canary Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ceylon, China 1522014 1897-1899 v. 24 Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ecuador, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India 1896-1899 v. 24 Jamaica, Java, Japan, Korea, Madagascar, Malta, Morocco, Netherlands, Mexico, Nicaragua, Persia, Peru, Portugal, Paraguay, Russia 1522015 1900-1901 v. 26 Africa, Azores, China, Africa, Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Denmark, Ecuador 1491923 1900-1901 v. 27 Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Canary Islands, Chile, China, Costa Rica 1900-1901 v. 28 Egypt, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Japan, Korea, Siberia, Madeira, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Canada, Persia, Peru, Portugal 1491924 1900-1901 v. 29 Russia, Siam, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Venezuela, West Indies 1902-1907 v. 30 Samoa, Paraguay, Greece, Siam, India 1491925 1902-1907 v. 31 West Indies, Java, Ireland, Columbia, Belgium, Romainia, Argentina 1902-1907 v. 32 Africa 1491926 1902-1907 v. 33 Venezuela, Norway, Ceylon, West Indies, India, Denmark, Canada, Ecuador, Hawaii, Madeira, Guatemala 1902-1907 v. 34 Hawaii, Netherlands, Cuba, China, Tasmania 1491927 1890-1907 v. 35 Jamaica, Peru, Malta, Portugal, Africa, Spain, Mexico, Australia, Liberia, Uruguay, Canada 1491928 1902-1907 v. 36 Nassau, Panama, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Costa Rica 1900-1907 v. 37 Pretoria 1491929 1902-1905 v. 38 Azores 1905-1907 v. 39 Azores 1491930 1902-1907 v. 40 Korea, West Indies, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, Chile, Santa Domingo, Africa, Singapore, Sweden 1902-1907 v. 41 Persia, Japan, Society Islands, Morocco, Honduras, Philipines, Canada, Africa 1491931 1900-1901 v. 42 Austria 1902-1904 v. 43 Austria 1491932 1905-1907 v. 44 Austria 1905-1907 v. 45 China 1491933 1904-1905 v. 46 China 1902-1907 v. 47 Egypt 1531373.1 1887 Oct-1888 Jul v. 48 France 1531374.1 1888 Jul-1889 Jun v. 49 France 1531373.2 1889 Jun - Dec v. 50 France 1531374.2 1890-1891 v. 51 France 1531375 1897-1899 v. 52 France 1900-1901 v. 53 France 1531376 1902-1903 v. 54 France 1904-1905 v. 55 France 1531377 1887 Jul-1889 Sep v. 56 Germany 1888 Oct-1889 May v. 57 Germany 1531415 1889 Jun-Dec v. 58 Germany 1890 v. 59 Germany 1531378 1891 Jan-Sep v. 60 Germany 1891 Oct-1892 Mar v. 61 Germany 1892 Apr-Dec v. 62 Germany 1531379 1893-1894 v. 63 Germany 1894 v. 64 Germany 1531380 1895 v. 65 Germany 1896 v. 66 Germany 1531381 1897 v. 67 Germany 1898 v. 68 Germany 1531382 1899 v. 69 Germany 1900 v. 70 Germany 1531383 1900-1901 v. 71 Germany 1901 v. 72 Germany 1531495 1902 Jan-Jun v. 73 Germany 1902 Jul-Dec v. 74 Germany 1531496 1903 Jan-Sep v. 75 Germany 1903 Oct-1904 Jun v. 76 Germany 1531497 1904 Jul-Dec v. 77 Germany 1905 Jan-Jun v. 78 Germany 1531498 1905 Jul-Dec v. 79 Germany 1887 Oct-1888 Sep v. 80 England 1888 Oct-1889 Dec v. 81 England 1531499 1890-1891 v. 82 England 1893-1894 v. 83 England, Singapore, Bahamas, Malta 1895-1896 v. 84 England, Egypt 1531500 1897-1899 v. 85 Great Britain, England 1900 v. 86 England 1531501 1900-1901 v. 87 England 1902-1903 v. 88 Great Britain - England 1531502 1904-1905 v. 89 Great Britain - England 1897-1899 v. 90 Italy 1900 v. 91 Italy 1531639 1901 v. 92 Italy 1902 Jan-Aug v. 93 Italy 1903 Sep-Feb v. 94 Italy 1531640 1903 Mar-Jun v. 95 Italy 1903 Jul-Dec v. 96 Italy 1531641 1904 Jan-May v. 97 Italy 1904 Jun-Dec v. 98 Italy 1531642 1905 Jan-Mar v. 99 Italy 1905 Apr-Jun v. 100 Italy 1531643 1905 Jul-Dec v. 101 Italy v. 102 does not exist 1903-1907 v. 103 Philippine Islands 1531644 1902-1907 v. 104 Russia 1887 Jul-1888 Dec v. 105 Switzerland 1531645 1897-1899 v. 106 Switzerland 1900-1901 v. 107 Switzerland 1531646 1902-1903 v. 108 Switzerland 1904-1905 v. 109 Switzerland 1531647 1902-1907 v. 110 Turkey